Tuesday, December 17, 2013

search muiltiple word from a file and return the result

there is a case that I need search the bigger application log and only list the logs from 2 or 3 specific classes.
i use grep to get the result.

here is the syntax

grep -r "SapPaymentDataAccessor1\|SapFiPaymentSOAPImpl1\|PaymentClrProcess" *.*

Monday, December 2, 2013

Node code for Ternary and minus combined

saw a very simple solution for learnyounode as following

var total = 0;
        total += +item ? + item: 0;

this is used to print out summary of command parameters
 fouth line need to be explained
+item is the a minus operation on variable "item" value(not item itself),try to convert item value(String) to a number,if the result is a number,then the ternary operator will be true,since item might be a string,we also use +item to convert item value into a number if it is a string when ternary operator returns true.